As a homeowner, your decision to renovate has probably found its genesis on one, or a combination of, the following factors:

  1. Making their home more comfortable and esthetically pleasing
  2. Increasing the value of their home and
  3. Preparing their home for sale.

A beautiful home
While not all of us want to live in show homes, we all want our homes to be comfortable places where we can escape the daily grind of work. We want a place that expresses our sense of style, our passions and our life; a familiar and secure place, where we can be comfortable sleeping, watching television or just playing with our kids. Since many of us do not have the luxury of building our homes from the ground up, we must then choose to renovate the home we have in order to put our own signature on it.

A sound Investment
Factors such as location, style and square footage affect the value of our home. A 10% increase in floor space can add almost 5% to the price of a semidetached and almost 7% to the price of a detached house; adding a bedroom and bathroom, as in finishing a basement, can add up to 20% to property value. However, renovations can be as simple as adding a stand-up shower to a bathroom or a tiled backsplash to a kitchen; all of which can increase the value of your home.

So go ahead...Imagine!